
I Mountain | Brgy. Tigbanaba Igbaras

Turmeric tea 7 in 1

Enhance your experience with the 7-in-1 Turmeric Tea!

          Turmeric tea 7 in 1, a local favorite in Barangay Tigbanaba, Igbaras, Iloilo, is a beverage that not only delights the taste buds but also offers a host of health benefits. This unique concoction combines an array of ingredients, including turmeric, lemongrass, sugar, banana, ginger, malunggay, guyabano, and sambag. The resulting tea is a true embodiment of both the region’s flavors and the diverse health benefits these ingredients bring to the table.

         The primary component, turmeric, provides this tea with its distinctive golden hue and brings a wealth of health advantages. Turmeric is renowned for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making this tea an excellent choice for those seeking to reduce inflammation and boost their immune system. The addition of ginger not only adds a spicy kick but also contributes to digestive health. Lemongrass infuses a zesty, citrusy flavor and offers potential benefits for lowering blood pressure and reducing anxiety.

          The inclusion of malunggay, guyabano, and sambag in this tea adds a nutritional boost. Malungay, or moringa, is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium, promoting overall health. Guyabano, known for its anti-cancer properties, and sambag, with its aromatic qualities, complement the tea with their unique contributions. Turmeric tea 7 in 1 is not only a delightful beverage but also a testament to the health-conscious and flavor-rich culture of Barangay Tigbanaba, offering both the locals and visitors a delicious way to enhance their well-being.

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