
Ramel's Local | Brgy. Tigbanaba Igbaras

Civet Cat Poo Coffee


          In Barangay Tigbanaba, Igbaras, Iloilo, a unique and controversial coffee-making process has gained attention – Civet cat poo coffee, also known as kopi luwak. This exotic coffee is produced by utilizing the digestive enzymes of civet cats to ferment and alter the beans. The civets consume ripe coffee cherries, and the beans pass through their digestive system. After being excreted, the beans are collected, thoroughly cleaned, and processed to create a distinct coffee known for its unique flavor profile.

          The residents of Tigbanaba actively engage in the production of civet cat poo coffee, creating a local industry that combines traditional agricultural practices with a touch of novelty. While the concept of consuming coffee that has passed through the digestive tract of an animal may sound unappealing to some, enthusiasts argue that the fermentation process imparts a rare and smooth taste to the beans. The local economy benefits from the production and sale of this unique coffee, contributing to the livelihoods of the community members involved in its cultivation and processing.

          However, the civet cat coffee industry is not without its ethical concerns. The demand for kopi luwak has led to instances of captive civets being force-fed coffee cherries in some regions, raising questions about animal welfare. Balancing the economic opportunities provided by this unique coffee with ethical considerations remains a challenge for the community of Tigbanaba as they navigate the delicate balance between tradition, innovation, and responsible production.

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